PRBRSA Annual Report

PRBRSA Annual Report

February 21, 2024

With almost 40 years of service to our member municipalities, PRBRSA continues our mission to preserve and protect the Pequannock River Basin while serving the public in the most efficient and cost-effective means.

The Authority’s member towns, Bloomingdale, Butler, Kinnelon and Riverdale, continue to recognize the benefits of a having a regional sewer system capable of providing growth and development within our member municipalities while, at the same time, focusing on preservation of the Pequannock River to provide recreational opportunities within the communities.

In 2023, PRBRSA continued with our infrastructure maintenance and inspection projects in order to provide viable information on system operations to our members.   

Additionally, in 2023, PRBRSA undertook an infiltration/inflow investigation project to define areas of the regional system requiring further examination.  The project will provide valuable information in furtherance of our continuing efforts to close our system from outside sources.  

Also in 2023, PRBRSA was successful in securing increased interest rates to minimize future rate increases.  In order to allocate charges with utmost accuracy, the Board utilizes the EDU method of distributing charges that provides for an evenly balanced and predictable accounting of sewer charges.  

The PRBRSA Board continues to have a pro-active outlook and is currently conducting new rehabilitation and maintenance programs to ensure continued efficiency within the PRBRSA sewer infrastructure.

Respectfully submitted,
Raymond Verdonik, Chairman


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