2014 Meeting Resolutions
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- R-14-02-01 Open Public Meetings Act
- R-14-02-02 Official Depository Designation
- R-14-02-03 Award Auditor Contract
- R-14-02-04 Award Attorney Contract
- R-14-02-05 Award Bond Counsel Contract
- R-14-02-06 Award Consulting Engineer Contract
- R-14-02-07 Incumbency Certificate Authorization
- R-14-02-08 PACO
- R-14-02-09 Award Contract to Kleinfelder East
- R-14-02-10 Designations for NJEIT Filing
- R-14-02-11 Authorization for Suburban Consulting Engineers to Acquire Permits for NJEIT Filing
- R-14-02-12 LFB Audit Review
- R-14-02-13 Award Computer Consultant Contract
- R-14-03-1 Award Contract to DMC Associates
- R-14-03-2 Award Contract to Stanford Risk Management
- R-14-03-3 Renew Office Lease
- R-14-04-01 Authorize Contractc with SESI Consulting
- R-14-04-02 Authorize Revenue Fund Transfer
- R-14-04-03 Approve Workers Compensation Policy Renewal
- R-14-04-04 Authorize Signatories
- R-14-05-01 Approve Change Order to Suburban Consulting Engineers Contract
- R-14-05-02 Authorize Preparation and Filing of Application with LFB
- R-14-05-03 Award Contract to Marsh & McLennan for Insurance Coverages
- R-14-06-01 Authorize Transfer from Revenue Fund to General Fund
- R-14-07-01 Award Contract for Supplemental Geotechnical Services with SESI
- R-14-08-01 2014 Authority Budget Resolution - PRBRSA FY 2015
- R-14-08-02 Authorize Issuance of Subordinate Bonds for Sale to NJEIT
- R-14-08-03 Award Contract to Public Financial Management
- R-14-08-04 Resolution Relating to Applicable Continuing Disclosure Matters
- R-14-09-01 Award Contract No. OM-1 to Butler
- R-14-09-02 Authorize Proposal C with ADS for Contract No. OM-5
- R-14-09-03 Authorize and Confirm Emergency Repair Services with L. Becker & Sons
- R-14-09-04 Authorize Change Order No. 2 with Suburban Consulting Engineers
- R-14-09-05 Authorize Surveying Services to DMC Surveying
- R-14-09-06 Authorize Borough of Butler/PRBRSA Agreement on Sewer Line Modifications
- R-14-10-01 Adopted Budget Resolution for PRBRSA FY 2015
- R-14-10-02 Approve Change Order No. 1 to Kleinfelder East Contract
- R-14-10-03 Authorize Publication to Advertise Notice to Bidders Contract I-4A
- R-14-10-04 Authorize Publication to Advertise Notice to Bidders Contract I-4B
- R-14-10-05 Authorize Execution of Agreement with County of Morris
- R-14-10-06 Authorize Filing of Claim for Municipal Derivatives Litigation
- R-14-12-01 Authorize Acquisition of Permanent Easements for Properties in the Bor. of Butler
- R-14-12-02 Authorize Prof. Services Contract with M.S. Krauser for Preparation of Appraisals
- R-14-12-03 Authorize Change Order No. 2 to SESI Contract for Geotechnical Services