2015 Meeting Resolutions
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- R-15-01-1 Award Contract to American Pipe Cleaning
- R-15-01-2 Approve TWA Application, Bor. of Riverdale
- R-15-01-3 Award Contract No. I-4A
- R-15-01-4 Award Contract No. I-4B
- R-15-01-5 Approve Acquisition of Temporary Easements
- R-15-02-01 Open Public Meetings Act
- R-15-02-02 Official Depository Designation
- R-15-02-03 Award Auditor Contract
- R-15-02-04 Award Attorney Contract
- R-15-02-05 Award Bond Counsel Contract
- R-15-02-06 Award Consulting Engineer Contract
- R-15-02-07 Incumbency Certificate Authorization
- R-15-02-08 PACO
- R-15-02-09 Award LSRP Contract
- R-15-02-10 LFB Audit Review
- R-15-02-11 Award Computer Consultant Contract
- R-15-03-01 Approve Change Order No. 3 with Suburban
- R-15-03-02 Award Stanford Risk Management Contract
- R-15-04-01 Authority County of Morris Permit Application
- R-15-04-02 Authority Transfer of Funds from Revenue Fund to Construction Fund
- R-15-05-01 Closed Session
- R-15-05-02 Authorize Single Audit to FWC&C
- R-15-05-03 Renew Workers Comp Policy
- R-15-05-04 Renew Arch Insurance Policies
- R-15-05-05 Authorize Execution of Right of Entry Agreement
- R-15-06-01 Authorize Payment for Puchase of Manhole Frames & Covers
- R-15-06-02 Authorize Exeuction of 2015 Four Party Agreement
- R-15-06-03 Authorize Execution & Delivery of 2015 Amendment to the 1987 Service Contract
- R-15-06-04 Award Contract to Public Financial Management
- R-15-06-05 Amend and Readopt the Authority’s Business Expense Policy
- R-15-06-06 Approve Additional Risk Management Services with Stanford Risk Management
- R-15-07-1 Approve Change Order Nos. 4, 5 & 6 with SCE
- R-15-07-1A Approve Change Order No. 7 with SCE
- R-15-07-1B Approve Change Order No. 1 with Hutton Construction
- R-15-07-2 Authorize Execution of Depository Agreement
- R-15-08-01 FY 2016 Budget Resolution
- R-15-08-02 Authorize Purchase from Campbell Foundry
- R-15-08-03 Closed Session
- R-15-09-01 Approved Contract Modification No. A-1 with Hutton Construction
- R-15-09-02 Approve Contract Modification No. A-2 with Hutton Construction
- R-15-09-03 Authorize Funds Transfer to General Fund
- R-15-09-04 Closed Session
- R-15-10-01 FY 2016 Adopted Budget Resolution
- R-15-10-02 Amending the Rules and Regulations of the PRBRSA
- R-15-10-03 Approving Purchase of Campbell Foundry Manhole Frames and Covers
- R-15-10-04 Approving Change Order No. 8 with SCE
- R-15-10-05 Approve Change Order No. 9 with SCE
- R-15-10-06 Award Contract No. OM-5 to ADS
- R-15-10-07 Authorize Execution of Five Party Agreement
- R-15-10-08 Authorize Execution of 2015 Amendment to 1987 Riverdale Service Contract
- R-15-12-01 Authorize Contract Modification Nos. A-1a and A-2a with Hutton Construction
- R-15-12-02 Authorize Change Order No. 7a with Suburban