2018 Meeting Resolutions
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- R-18-01-01 Authorize DMC Associates Contract
- R-18-01-02 Authorize MM Bid Phase Contract NYS&W RR
- R-18-01-03 Authorize Amendment No. 3 to MM Contract
- R-18-01-04 Authorized Shared Services Agreement with Butler
- R-18-01-05 Resolution Deferred
- R-18-01-06 Authorize Appointment of R. Verdonik to TBSA Board
- R-18-02-01 Open Public Meetings Act
- R-18-02-02 Official Depository of Authority
- R-18-02-03 Appointment of Auditor
- R-18-02-04 Appointment of Counsel
- R-18-02-05 Appoint Bond Counsel
- R-18-02-06 Appoint Consulting Engineer
- R-18-02-07 Trustee Incumbency Certificate Authorization
- R-18-02-08 PACO
- R-18-02-09 Kinnelon NE WQM Amendment
- R-18-02-10 Audit Affidavit Resolution
- R-18-02-11 Closed Session
- R-18-04-01 Authorize Linden Street Sewer Extension TWA, Riverdale
- R-18-04-02 Authorize BYO Laundry TWA, Butler
- R-18-04-03 Closed Session
- R-18-04-04 Interfund Transfer Revenue Fund to General Fund
- R-18-04-05 Interfund Transfer Revenue Fund to Construction Fund
- R-18-04-06 Award Consulting Engineer Contract
- R-18-04-07 Renew Office Lease w/Butler
- R-18-04-08 Award Insurance Consultant Contract
- R-18-04-09 Award Insurance Consultant Contract for Construction Projects
- R-18-04-10 Award Computer Consultant Contract
- R-18-05-01 Closed Session
- R-18-05-02 Authorize Amendment No. 5 with MM
- R-18-05-03 Renewal Workers Compensation Insurance
- R-18-05-04 General Liability and Umbrella Insurance Package
- R-18-06-01 Closed Session
- R-18-06-02 Accept R3M Proposal
- R-18-07-01 Approve Change Order for PRB-17-1
- R-18-07-02 Closed Session - Not Executed
- R-18-07-03 Authorize Payment for CCTV-Inspection in Butler Park
- R-18-07-04 Authorize Survey of Butler Park for Green Acres
- R-18-08-01 Budget Resolution
- R-18-08-02 Budget Amendment PRBRSA FY 2018
- R-18-09-01 Approve Contract No. OM-1 Renewal with Butler
- R-18-09-02 Authorize MM to Submit TWA Permit for NYS&W RR
- R-18-09-03 Authorize Payment of Green Acres Compensation to Butler
- R-18-09-04 Award CCTV-Inspection Contract to National Water Main
- R-18-09-05 Authorize Chairman & Engineer to Authorize Permit Fees up to $10,000
- R-18-10-01 FY 2019 Budget Adoption
- R-18-10-02 Amending the FY 2019 Budget
- R-18-10-03 Awarding Temporary Flow Monitoring to Flow Assessment
- R-18-10-04 Authorizing Amendment No. 6 with MM
- R-18-12-01 Authorizing Payments to DMC Associates & L. Becker & Son
- R-18-12-02 Authorize Proposal A of Contract OM-5 with ADS
- R-18-12-03 Authorize Preparation of Easement Survey
- R-18-12-04 Authorize L. Becker & Son Proposal for Test Pits in Butler
- R-18-12-05 Authorize Capital Reserve Contribution FY 2019