2022 Meeting Resolutions
Browse archived resolutions | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |
- R-22-01-1 Emergency Authorization Manhole Repairs
- R-22-01-2 Interfund Transfer - Arbitrage Reserve
- R-22-01-3 Reappoint R. Voorman to TBSA
- R-22-01-4 Shared Services QPA
- R-22-01-5 Closed Session - Personnel
- R-22-02-01 Open Public Meetings Act
- R-22-02-02 Official Depository
- R-22-02-03 Auditor Appointment
- R-22-02-04 General Counsel Appointment
- R-22-02-05 Bond Counsel Appointment
- R-22-02-06 Consulting Engineer Appointment
- R-22-02-07 Incumbency Certificate
- R-22-02-08 PACO Officer
- R-22-02-09 Office Lease Renewal
- R-22-02-10 Audit Resolution
- R-22-02-11 Budget Amendment 1
- R-22-02-12 Amending FY 2022 Annual Charges
- R-22-02-13 Honorary Resolution - C. Falcon, Esq.
- R-22-03-1 Close Out Contract PRB 21-1 w-CO1
- R-22-03-2 Internal Transfer Revenue Fund to R&R Fund per Budget Amendment 1
- R-22-03-3 Insurance Risk Manager Agreement General
- R-22-03-4 Insurance Risk Manager Agreement - Contracts
- R-22-03-5 Computer Consultant Contract Renewal
- R-22-03-6 Indemnification of PRBRSA Members
- R-22-03-7 Closed Session Personnel Matters
- R-22-05-1 Workers Compensation Renewal
- R-22-06-1 Award Contract PRB 22-1 NWC
- R-22-06-2 Authorize Survey Services to DMC
- R-22-06-3 Authorize to Bind Insurance Policies
- R-22-07-1 Closed Session
- R-22-07-2 Potential Litigation
- R-22-08-1 Resolution TABLED
- R-22-08-2 FY 2023 Introduced Budget
- R-22-08-3 Authorize Wells Investment Account Opening
- R-22-08-4 Authorize US Bank/NJCMF Account Consolidation
- R-22-08-5 Closed Session
- R-22-09-1 Close Out Contract PRB 22-1
- R-22-09-2 Contract OM-1 w/Borough of Butler
- R-22-09-3 TABLED to 10-19-22
- R-22-09-4 US Bank Account Consolidation
- R-22-09-5 Closed Session
- R-22-10-1 Flow Metering Contract OM-7 Year 2
- R-22-10-2 TABLED
- R-22-10-3 General Bond Trustee Conclusion
- R-22-10-4 Adopt FY 2023 Budget
- R-22-10-5 Commissioner Metcalfe of Kinnelon-Service Recognition
- R-22-12-1 TABLED
- R-22-12-2 Capital Reserve Fund
- R-22-12-3 Renewal & Replacement Fund
- R-22-12-4 Closed Session Potential Litigation
- R-22-12-5 R. Verdonik TBSA Appointment
- R-22-12-6 Closed Session Personnel